This is Asher, what a cutie he is! This shoot was so much fun, We just took our time and got some great shots! He was so good and oh my does he love his Mommy. Just the way he looks at her you can see the love in his little eyes ( he was looking at her in the first photo, see what I mean)...His daddy is a boxer and his papaw owns a gym, so we were able to go in and get a few shots of him in the ring. When he is older and a big time boxer he will have proof he's been knocking em out since he was 6 months hehe. :-)
Now this is one pretty family even the dog is cute! Luke was super sweet, he smiled quite a bit for me also, But I was just so drawn to these I realized I didn't even post one of him smiling.
So I have had babies pee on my rug, pee on my camera etc.......But Luke was the first to poop on my couch ( with kids leather is great everything wipes off) haha....So when he's 20 and I'm an old woman haha Ill be like I remember when you were a baby you pooped on my couch and he will roll his eyes (like we do when ppl tell us stuff from when were babys ) lol.... Ok so enough with my story and on to the photos of this beautiful baby and his beautiful family.
Here are a couple I got of Nathan at Hunters smash cake/friend session. Hes so handsome! Ill be having a full session with Nathan and His big Cousin in May so you will get to see more of him soon! Oh yeah, look at the last one, his feet are the sweetest!
Hunter came over for a smash cake & friend session. He brought Nathan & Beans for some quick pics. He's soo stinkin cute. I love his Mommy shes super sweet and always brings fun stuff! I have a few photos of Nathan from the session coming up next. Plus sometime in the next week Ill have photos of his Big Circus bash I was invited to shoot :-). So stay tuned.
Little Miss Beauty Pageant Queen! My lord I thought I shopped a lot for my child. I haven't ever in my life seen so many clothes ( all super cute too). There were enough clothes for at least 20 sessions no lie. They even told me that was only half of her clothes! I was in photog heaven! ( Jenny when you have a yard sale call me haha). Madison and Taylor are such beautiful children and so super sweet to each other. Our session was so fun and laid back, I loved it! There only a sneak peak of Taylor because this shoot was focused on Madison for a Beauty pageant she was in ( She won Queen again!) I have a shoot with Taylor at the end of this month, so you will have plenty to see of him soon. :-)
Wow, what a beauty!.......I swear I could of just taken her home with me. I just loved this little baby, she made my heart melt! Her little smile is just the sweetest thing in the world. Her mommy probably thinks I'm crazy because I just went on and on about her. There's just something special about this little angel.
ps. She is on my Milestone program, so you will be seeing lots more of this beauty!
Well I got up this morning and was dead set on doing at least 4 blog post.....considering its been almost a month since I have blogged last. But oh no blogger for some reason is not letting me upload photos......Hmmm maybe time to switch to a new blog. We'll see.....
So I guess Ill talk about whats been going on over here.....Things have been Fab and busy busy. Its amazing how fast a month can go by.I have the best clients ever and I love you all! I'm so excited its almost warm for good, and so ready to get back outdoors for sessions :-)......We will be having a couple cute Mini session for summer soo stay on the lookout for those sessions dates over the next few months.
On another note. I'm still in shock my baby will be 3 next month, so so sad. 3 just blows my mind it seems like yesterday she was born and now shes a little girl all grown up ;..-(. I just wanna keep her little forever, I really don't know what I will do when she starts school. That day will be a complete blogpost meltdown for me haha.
As soon as blogger decides that it wants to work for me ill post something :-).....Until then Have a wonderful day on this beautiful day!
SO back at the beginning of January I entered Milan in the Regis and Kelly live beautiful baby contest........No she didn't make the top ten.....but they showed her photo on the show today!!!!!!!!!!! There are hundreds of thousands of kids that get entered, and for them to show my babys photo made me super proud. Unfortunately I didn't watch the show today, but my mom did and called me super excited, she said no one was home with here and she was setting there screaming and whooooinglol..........Click here to see the video. When you get to the page the video box is on the right side, underneath the video there will be something that says Monday's Baby Bumpers 3-01-10 click to see that video....she is the 4th one that will come up! I love my baby!!! ....... Regis and Kelly Live Video