This is Sydney you may remember her from back in the summer. She is Milan's BFF and we love her so much! She is sooo grown to be 3 and the way she says my name is hilarious, she calls me shawn-taaa-na. Jeremy ( my hubby) and Todd ( her daddy) have been bestfriends all of there life and they are about the same age apart as the girls. I hope they are life long friends like there daddy' are. As you can tell on the 3rd photo down shes gonna be a big sister, I can't wait for him to get here so we can do a newborn shoot :-) Steph's due in April so stay tuned for the debut of baby Asher #2!
I am glad you are back. I have missed seeing your amazing work. Happy Birthday. And how exciting to get a new camera. Can't wait to see more.